How do Toxins Affect our Health?
Firstly, the body’s natural way to remove toxins is to activate certain bodily enzymes that miraculously turn toxins into water-soluble substances, which are then removed from the body.
The skin, lungs and digestive tract are the main ways toxins are excreted.
When the body accumulates toxins, they deposit into fat tissue and cause weight gain.
Stubborn toxins (coming from refined oils, refined sugars, preservatives, some medications, artificial sweeteners, air pollution, harmful skin/hair care products, etc) tend to deposit in fat tissue, brain tissue and other organs. Overtime, toxins begin to accumulate, creating scum and body sludge. This leads to negative health symptoms such as brain fog, constipation, sinus, constant migraines and more.
A case study showed a young girl gained weight rapidly upon bathing in body wash containing toxic obesogens. The body wash warned “For Adults Only”. After she was told to stop using the body wash her weight returned to normal.
The less toxins we accumulate, the less hormones get disrupted and the less fat we accumulate.
What is the most efficient way to detoxify the body?
Not any detoxifying product will work as most contain more toxic chemicals.
If you are wanting to learn more how to detoxify from heavy metals, hormone disrupters, body scum and toxin overload, get in touch with us today.